The phenomenon of making to the bleached white bone is a coral reef in staying up and the okinawa minatokawa port surroundings that have recovered.Reviving coral reef

It has gone to the living confirmation of the coral of an Okinawa Nanjo city Horikawa offshore reef today.
The photograph is an entry [shitashikenbaru] coast.
It advances along the coast as it is the quarry sideward toward an offshore reef. There is a small tide pool, and a small coral and the arachno shellfish live.

Toward a right minatikwa fishing port and it advances because there is a waterway on the way.minatokawaminamibouhatei.jpg
It was possible to extend to an offshore reef safely because depth of the waterway was about 20 centimeters of the south offing breakwater.

bouhateiwaki14.jpgbouhateiwaki12.jpgbouhateiwaki11.jpgbouhateiwaki10.jpgbouhateiwaki9.jpgbouhateiwaki8.jpgbouhateiwaki7.jpgbouhateiwaki6.jpgbouhateiwaki5.jpgbouhateiwaki3.jpgbouhateiwaki2.jpgbouhateiwaki1.jpgamamo.jpgThe coral has revived considerably. It was felt that it had recovered up to about 30 percent 20 years ago.
It was a sea area that was seen a lot of [kobarutosuzume] and was beautiful. Three years ago was a field of the scorch while annihilated. It is a recovery terrible when comparing it with it.