YellowFinTunas are live!

マグロ漁場が近いのでこのような釣りたて新鮮マグロが出せるのは沖縄 八重瀬町 港川であり
写真はキハダマグロ 生きているときの色はこのように輝いていますSN3B0077.jpgSN3B0078.jpg黄色ではなく黄金の輝き!
It queues up in yellowfintuna that was able to be fished yesterday.
The freshness tuna's being able to fish, to set up, and to put out so are  in Okinawa Yaese Minatogawa rapids town  and see the photograph ther is processed mixing the deep water  of the deepest in the world 1400 meters with all seafoods is a shine sey that a not yellow to which the color when the yellowfin tuna alive shines like this but gold because the tuna fishery is near.
The yellowfin tuna seems may change the gold ingot and the name of the sea.